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Making fruit easier to eat increases consumption in school cafeterias

A study by Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab researchers Brian Wansink, David Just, Andrew Hanks, and Laura Smith decided to get …


Photovoltaic Polymer Lets Damaged Retinas See the Light

Italian Institute of Technology Researchers Use Photovoltaic Polymer to Restore Light Detection to Damaged Retinas A team of neuroscientists and materials scientists …

The Algorithm That Helps You Friend People You Don’t Know

Computer scientists have developed an algorithm that uses the structure of a social network to find the best strategy for friending people you don’t know.

Your Brain Is Hooked on Being Right – Judith E. Glaser – Harvard Business Review

In situations of stress, fear executive functions that help us with thought processes like strategy, trust building, and compassion shut down. The body makes a chemical choice about how best to protect itself and as a result is…

Deniz kaplumbağası Yu Chan

Protez Yüzgeçli Deniz kamplumbağası Yu Chan

Japonya’da Kobe şehri Suma park akvaryumunda bakılan Yu Chan isimli bir deniz kamplumbağası kendisi için geliştirilmiş protez yüzgeçler yardımıyla yüzüyor.

Balıkla kırmızı şarap iyi gitmez…

Cumhuriyet gazetesinin Anadolu Ajansından, Anadolu Ajansının ise İndependent gazetesinden aktardığı bir haberde araştırmacılar kırmızı şaraptaki demirin deniz ürünlerindeki maddelerle reaksiyona girdiğini ve …


Bionic eyes become a reality

Today while I was giving a glance on Engadget, I have find an interesting article: “Bionic lens to debut in the next …

The Future of Search

On Google Blog you can read this article: The Future of Search It is not only suggested to understand the future but …

Lithium Ion batteries 10 times longer with nanotechnology

While reading I found out about a research held at Stanford University that made it possible increasing the capacity of lithium-ion …