palombella rossa
“Palombella Rossa” poster. This photo was taken during a film shooting in September 2005 in Roma. Palombella Rossa is a film which dates back …
“Palombella Rossa” poster. This photo was taken during a film shooting in September 2005 in Roma. Palombella Rossa is a film which dates back …
A researcher in Kyoto has discover a lost Japanese animated film made around 1900, making it the oldest of its kind in …
superman Originally uploaded by ogomogo. 23rd International Comics Fair – Barcelona..
Bu haftasonu 23.sü organize edilen Barcelona UluslararasI çizgi roman fuari son senelerde görülen ilginin artmasIndan dolayI klasik mekani Estación de Francia tren …
crossing the bridge-the sound of istanbul New film of Fatih AkIn. and here is another link about a review made on twitchfilm.com …
Here is another interesting animation and cartoon blog by Amid Amidi and Jerry Beck : Cartoon Brew Technorati tags: animation
The Animation Podcast – The voices of Animation My goal in making The Animation Podcast is to present today’s voices in animation …
World’s oldest animation that was discovered in Iran would be presented during the International Animated Film Association (ASIFA) meeting that will be …
Atmasyon spekulatif’e kadar gelip Martin Mystere, imkansizliklar detektifine ugramamak olmaz. “Fotograf sevdasi” iletisi ile ortak arkadasimiz Güneş Kocatepe’nin photoessays.com sitesini hatirlatmis ! …
Arjantin sinemasini son zamanlarda daha yakindan takip etme sansina sahip oldum. Yasadigi ekonomik krizler ve onun disinda bir dolu nedenden dolayi Türkiye’yi …