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" target="_blank" rel="bookmark lik" title="Self-Replicating USBs Spread Software Faster than an Internet Connection | MIT Technology Review" class="aaa">
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark" title="Self-Replicating USBs Spread Software Faster than an Internet Connection | MIT Technology Review">Self-Replicating USBs Spread Software Faster than an Internet Connection | MIT Technology Review
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark lik" title="A Picture is Worth: Design before Electricity : TreeHugger" class="aaa">
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark" title="A Picture is Worth: Design before Electricity : TreeHugger">A Picture is Worth: Design before Electricity : TreeHugger
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark lik" title="Octopus Suckers Have Groovy Secret for Strength | Octopus Chronicles, Scientific American Blog Network" class="aaa">
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark" title="Octopus Suckers Have Groovy Secret for Strength | Octopus Chronicles, Scientific American Blog Network">Octopus Suckers Have Groovy Secret for Strength | Octopus Chronicles, Scientific American Blog Network

Things Benny Lewis learned while travelling the world for 8 years straight...
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark lik" title="“29 life lessons learned in travelling the world for 8 years straight”" class="aaa">

Things Benny Lewis learned while travelling the world for 8 years straight...
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark" title="“29 life lessons learned in travelling the world for 8 years straight”">“29 life lessons learned in travelling the world for 8 years straight”

Things Benny Lewis learned while travelling the world for 8 years straight…

A new study by MIT researchers indicates that when we process language, we often make some sort of mental edits Moreover, it suggests that we seem to use specific strategies for making sense of confusing information -- the "noise" interfering with the signal conveyed in language, as researchers think of it.
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark lik" title="How we decode ‘noisy’ language in daily life: How people rationally interpret linguistic input" class="aaa">

A new study by MIT researchers indicates that when we process language, we often make some sort of mental edits Moreover, it suggests that we seem to use specific strategies for making sense of confusing information -- the "noise" interfering with the signal conveyed in language, as researchers think of it.
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark" title="How we decode ‘noisy’ language in daily life: How people rationally interpret linguistic input">How we decode ‘noisy’ language in daily life: How people rationally interpret linguistic input

A new study by MIT researchers indicates that when we process language, we often make some sort of mental edits Moreover, it suggests that we seem to use specific strategies for making sense of confusing information — the “noise” interfering with the signal conveyed in language, as researchers think of it.

" target="_blank" rel="bookmark lik" title="The Alchemy of Writing — Tips from a Non-Fiction and Fiction Pro" class="aaa">

" target="_blank" rel="bookmark" title="The Alchemy of Writing — Tips from a Non-Fiction and Fiction Pro">The Alchemy of Writing — Tips from a Non-Fiction and Fiction Pro
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark lik" title="“Volume in Stand Up Paddle Surfboards” | SUP How-tos & Techniques vía @supconnect" class="aaa"> Stand up paddle board surf
" target="_blank" rel="bookmark" title="“Volume in Stand Up Paddle Surfboards” | SUP How-tos & Techniques vía @supconnect">“Volume in Stand Up Paddle Surfboards” | SUP How-tos & Techniques vía @supconnect