How to encode WordPress content properly for sharing at Twitter? (Twitter web intents & share)
A simple method to avoid encoding problems while your your custom Twitter share button at your Wordpress blog gives problems.
A simple method to avoid encoding problems while your your custom Twitter share button at your Wordpress blog gives problems.
RT @Inc: Deadlock app @lockitron proves you don’t need Kickstarter to raise funds for your start-up. http://t.co/JMzw9IRF
Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and others join forces to launch new Web standards resource : http://t.co/IDFN1XZE /Others:opera,nokia…
@___kaiser___ dostça bir followa kim hayir diyebilir ki? 😉 selamlar sevgiler! cc @devrimgurkan @burcintarhan
@ThomasBCN good old radio: high startup, but low maintenance costs. good new streaming: low startup, but high costs as listeners increase..
“Will there be an Amazon of Europe?” by @gigabarb http://t.co/GizgcBY7 #cloud #infrastructure #data #bigdata
RT @lookremix: ¿Qué hubieses usado durante la primera llamada de móvil en el año 73? por @elisevigouroux http://t.co/3oQMHirf
Forget Saying Happy Birthday To Your Friends On Facebook, It’s All About Gifts Now http://t.co/GUeo6csU /About birthday wall ritual!
“Social Animals: Behind The Community-Building Culture Of The National Zoo” | Co.Create – http://t.co/si0QYava
The Pigeon Movement – A rallying cry for French startups • RBThe Rude Baguette – http://t.co/bIHMlM9Q \\ cc @ThomasBCN & @BastianKuma