“1 Million Users: What I Learned” by @aytekintank
Insights & experiences related to the evolution of JotForm in terms of registered users. Written by cofounder Aytekin Tank.
Insights & experiences related to the evolution of JotForm in terms of registered users. Written by cofounder Aytekin Tank.
LookRemix: Un lugar para compartir Moda « Mariposachic. ¡Entrevista de Mariposachic sobre LookRemix!
Today, StumbleUpon is relaunching its service with new functionality and services, designed by Huge. Along with this comes a new logo. via StumbleUpon …
We published our new street style video. You can take a look at our fashion content blog and read some more details about the production: LookRemix | Otoño a tus pies, tengas estaciones o no. LookRemix “Otoño a tus pies” from LookRemix on Vimeo….
LookRemix | Otoño a tus pies, tengas estaciones o no. Amamos….
Working Not Working > (a real-time network that connects talented freelance creatives with companies that want to hire them) Let’s see how and when …
We made a quick excursion to Paris and shot some new stuff. What is nice is that our launch is cool and these works would also be part of our initial content after the launch. Here is a teaser image with a few photos of Elise in front of Tour Eiff…
You can take a peek to the complete version of “A look story” at http://lookremix.com/a-look-story . You’d also be able to preregister to our list which is getting longer. ;)This week we launched Turkish and English versions of the first version o…
You can take a glance at one type of video content that we’d be publishing at LookRemix! This is a fashion DIY video: The Bandana Tutorial 😉 We’d be carrying on creating similar videos without limiting ourselves only to DIY stuff! Boris Lenhardt …
Here is the 20 secs trailer of “A Look Story”, the launch video of our project LookRemix.com ! “A Look Story” (20 seg) www.lookremix.com from LookRemix on Vimeo. Un abre boca del video de lanzamiento de www.lookremix.com Realizado por el equipo de…