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nature, Page 2

albino plant?

This albino plant is my latest discovery in our modest balcony after receiving continuous attacks of snails & small lizards and a …

→ 30/03/2006

As I now own two bonsais (one of them is a mall-sai as they say) and beginning to experiment with them, I …

→ 24/02/2006

A few links about the total solar eclipse in Turkey (March 29 2006)

→ 19/12/2005

Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts – Sunday Times – Times Online

1 dragonfly -7 lakes, Bolu

Friendly dragonfly from 7 Göller (7 lakes) National Park, Bolu, Turkey. (Taken with Ricoh Caplio RR30, the amazing stupid camera which can …


August 2005, Abant lake, Bolu, Turkey.

visiting a rosa mistica..

Unbearable lightness of visiting a rosa mistica.. Originally uploaded by ogomogo. Technorati&icerocket: butterfly, balcony, rosa mistica

Survivor snail is back..

The snail reappeared suddenly, as it disappeared mysteriously last autumn.. It seems that it didn’t go far and it hibernated somewhere dusty …


Seagull flying over the bosphorus, Istanbul, Turkey. This is another photo from cellar.I had taken this one long time ago in istanbul …

Visitor on the t-shirt

A friendly visitor flying over Barcelona beaches made a stopover on my t-shirt. After refuelling, it took off towards Puerto Olimpico leaving …