“Free Speech in the Era of Its Technological Amplification”
A letter to John Stuart Mill about the limits of what may be shown or said on the Web.
A letter to John Stuart Mill about the limits of what may be shown or said on the Web.
Things Benny Lewis learned while travelling the world for 8 years straight…
Süslü tasarımları, uyumlu sayfa düzenlerini ve acayip şeyler yapan kodları takıntı haline getirdik.
Ancak webdeki en güçlü araç hala kelimeler…
The truly great consumer technology companies of the past 25 years have all had one thing in common: they created habits. This …
I have around 145 apps installed on my phone… I use less than 12 of them daily. Similar insights and numbers are …
Aşağıdaki yazi Peter Thiel‘in “Bize uçan arabalar vaadettiler, 140 karakter verdiler…” şikayetiyle başlayıp neden güncel internet ürünlerinin buyuk kısmının inovasyonu sınırlandıran bir …
Today, StumbleUpon is relaunching its service with new functionality and services, designed by Huge. Along with this comes a new logo. via StumbleUpon …
We published our new street style video. You can take a look at our fashion content blog and read some more details about the production: LookRemix | Otoño a tus pies, tengas estaciones o no. LookRemix “Otoño a tus pies” from LookRemix on Vimeo….
LookRemix | Otoño a tus pies, tengas estaciones o no. Amamos….